The Source of our Beliefs & Practices…

‘The Holy Scriptures’, which are the Word of God – commonly called,” The Holy Bible”. (READ, AUDIO, links to external site, unconnected in any way to RPCI(R))

“The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy Him.” (WSC #2)

“Loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ regulates for Covenanters the public worship of the Sanctuary. The Bible, as being the Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and duty, is read and expounded on all occasions of worship. The Psalms, as being the only inspired hymns and spiritual songs recognised and enjoined in the Word, are used exclusively in the Praise Service. Instrumental accompaniment, as being without warrant in the New Testament and alien from the spirit and practice of the primitive Church, is excluded. Solos, voluntaries and such like things, rendered in the course of public worship are quite unknown in any of the congregations of our Church, being regarded as a pleasing distraction rather than a real aid to true spiritual worship.” Testimony, 1939


Documents where you will find our Beliefs & Practices Codified…

In keeping with all other historic Reformed Presbyterian denominations we take as normative the following documents:

In our own context of the Covenanted Reformation in Ireland we also hold to: